Wednesday, June 27, 2007

There's Still Hope on Killing the Bill

Fire of Liberty

While the Senate failed to kill the immigration bill yesterday by voting "no" on cloture it look like there is hope for the bill to fail another cloture vote on Thursday. Based on what I've read and witnessed on C-SPAN2 today, it looks like the Senators, who were against the bill, but voted yes on cloture in an effort to get their amendments added to the bill are discovering that their amendments and other strict immigration amendments are being tabled(Senate speak for killed) which in turn is pushing them to the "no" camp on the upcoming cloture vote. Now while the Immigration Bill proponents might have more tricks up their sleeves to push the bill, the possibility of the bill dying is still out there. My spirits are a little brightened by reading Jim Geraghty's 5:32PM post over at the Corner on Senators turn to "no" on cloture. Here's a look to save you some time:

A Surprise Switch from Yea to Nay from Domenici? [Jim Geraghty]

Interesting. If Senator Domenici (R-N.M.)'s people told the truth to Noam Askew, he's switching to a "NO" on cloture tomorrow, because Hutchison's amendment was defeated.

Deal proponents had 64 yesterday. The lose Bond (from Hannity comments) and Nelson of Nebraska (told NR today he's "leaning no"). They lose Domenici, unless his office lied to Askew. That's 61.

Then we get to the maybes. Webb lost his amendment, which he said was key to his support. Coleman's not saying, but sounds like he needs at least his amendment, and he wants a "stronger" bill. Ensign's office needs his two amendments. I don't think Brownback will say until he gets to the vote, but he did vote no on cloture on the very first opportunity, and intended to vote no the last time.

(Of course, this assumes that no nays switch to yea on cloture.)

UPDATE: I'm hearing contradictory information from readers who have gotten through to Burr's office. I've gotten a busy signal all day.

*Here's a more detailed post by Heath Haussamen on how Senator Domenici was moved to the "no" side.

*Also check out this interesting thoughts on what Thursday will bring us by Noam Askew over at his blog Day In, Day Out.
Here's hoping that these three well be the beginning of a greater tide thus pushing the number from 35 "no" votes to the magic 41 votes.(I prefer more.) So remain happy because we have a little sliver of hope that the bill will die in the Senate.

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