Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Wise Economic Policy

Fire of Liberty

I have to say that Quin Hillyer's most recent piece over at the American Spectator that lays out a pretty good economic platform that would be very attractive to conservatives and everyday workers. As a conservative I seriously believe that if the senior senator from Arizona would latch onto such an economic platform he could ameliorate a lot of the problems with the base of the Republican party and allow him to pull the "Reagan Democrats" into his fold. While the polls and the MSM might suggest that the American people want the federal government to "do something" with regards to the economy, I think that the American people would heartily open up to an economic policy that puts more of their own money in their own pockets and allows them greater liberty and the freedom of choice in their everyday lives with regards to their retirement, health care, and future paychecks. I just hope that Phil Gramm, Kevin Hassett, and Steve Forbes, Jack Kemp, and the rest of of his economic advisers are presenting the Senator with such ideas thus allowing him to motor past the nanny-statism socialism that we find with Clinton or Obama. Let's just hope that McCain lays out a similar plan.

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