Sunday, October 16, 2005

What We Fight

Fire of Liberty

Michael Ledeen has a great piece over at National Review Online showing the horrific nature of the Islamofascist thugs who run the various regimes throughout the Middle East. Ledeen notes that while the media and the White House have focused on the explosions and beheadings on behalf of the terrorists but they should also point out how the Islamic fundamentalists in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia have found countless ways of wiping away the individual and placing them into an universal jihad. Here's a sample:
The most devastating critique of such a system is laughter, which the leaders of the terror regimes can not and dare not tolerate. Laughter bespeaks fun, and fun is totally forbidden. Remember the Taliban, from whose caves Osama bin Laden and his merry band of killers emerged about ten years ago? They not only locked away all the women, they banned music. Some French film producer went all over Afghanistan, filming eerie landscapes featuring poles driven into the ground, wrapped with audio tape. The only sound was the rustling of the tape in the wind. This was the country in which Osama et al. found the perfect atmosphere for their preparations for the jihad.

In like manner, the Saudi religious police, a couple of years ago, refused to let female students escape from a burning building because they were improperly dressed. They burned to death. In like manner, the mullahs are increasing the power of the basij, their own religious police, to enforce the dress code on women and to prevent couples and groups from having fun. The tragicomic efforts of the terror masters to eliminate fun from public life tells us everything we need to know about the kind of world they will inflict on those whom they defeat in combat. If our reporters and editors had any real interest in giving their readers a full picture of the war in which we are engaged, there would be much more reporting on the relentless crackdown on fun. But they rarely give us the whole context, nor, unaccountably, does the Bush administration, which for the past several years has tiptoed delicately around the nature of most of the Islamic regimes. And so we have to rely on blogs and on such publications as MEMRI.
I just hope this spreads into the MSM so the citizens in this country really know what kind of enemy we are facing in this Global War on Islamic Terrorism. It's understandable that people in this nation have grown fatigued these four years with a war in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the continued wall to wall news coverage of soldiers dying from attacks at the hands of these terrorists and they would prefer to wipe their hands free of the whole situation but we cannot suspend our fight because our enemies want to forever alter our way of life. Anyone who makes it their habit of preventing women from escaping a burning building because of their attire or eliminates all vestiges of the individual like music, writing (blogging for those 21st Century folks), laughter and sports, isn't a great friend of this nation or man in general. Let's find the strength and courage to stand with our fighting men and our President in this fight and take down these Islamofascists much like our parent's generation did to the Soviets during the Cold War and their parents did towards the Nazis and the Japanese Empire in WWII.


Lew Scannon said...

Michael Ledeen? Isn't he the clown that passed along the forged Niger yellow cake uranium documents at the center of the Plamegate affair? Yeah, we should listen to this criminal!

jstarley05 said...

Criminal? Has he ever been convicted of anything?

Lew Scannon said...

Not yet, but it took a while for them to get something on John Gotti as well.

jstarley05 said...

Now we're grasping for straws. Gotti was a mobster who ran numbers, drugs, guns and killed(or sent his capos or goons out to do the dirty work) coutless people during his day. Ledeen is an academic who has served in the State Department in the early 80's and has consulted the Defense Dept, State and the NSC with distinction, not to mention the many books and various articles he has written. I doubt you'll ever see him in handcuffs on the front page of The New York Post or Washington Post anytime soon.