Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Fire of Liberty

I guess the French don't care about human rights. Instead of standing up for the tens of thousands intellectuals and democrats who struggle against the heavy hand of the Chinese government, the French have decieded to reward the Communist government. While the US stands besides these fellow democrats and has insisted on the continuation of the arms embargo, the French on the other hand have opted to dissolve the embargo. What makes the deal even worse is the reason behind France lifting the embargo. Take a look at what France's Defence Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie, had to say about the deal to The Financial Times:
"The lifting of the embargo could be a better protection for us than maintaining it," she said.

"China is rapidly developing its industry, and today our experts say that in five years China could make exactly the same arms that we have today. And they will do it if they cannot import. So maybe if we can sell them the arms, they will not make them. And in five years' time, they will not have the technology to make them."
O.K., let me get this straight, China doesn't have these weapons now but will develop them on their own in five years. So since they can't kill their enemies within China or on the island nation of Taiwan until five years, we'll go ahead and sell China these weapons so they can get started. I guess the French think China will quit producing their own weapons just to buy the new French rifle.

Could the French be anymore stupid than this. I guess they'll continue to promote their "European" ideas and forget to promote individuals who strive for Freedom and Liberty. Thank God for the US and to think, France gave us Lady Liberty. Oh well, at least we won't scrap her for weapons to go to China.

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