Thursday, July 21, 2005

Breezes of Freedom mingling in Iran

Fire of Liberty

In yesterday's New York Sun, Eli Lake revealed to his readers that Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji had been rushed to a nearby hospital after collapsing in Tehran's Evin prison during his two month hunger strike. While this might put the mullahs in a better light with the MSM and some folks in Iran, one can be assured that the Iranian government will use Ganji as a chip in its nuke talks with Germany, France, and the UK. They could also just be scared silly about the fate of their regime if anything should happen to Ganji.

They are also bound to ensure Ganji's good health ever since President Bush has made it his business several weeks ago to call for the mullahs to release Ganji and ensure his safety. One can assume that President Bush will press on further with his call for the realease of Akbar Ganji because of his commitment to the spread of freedom and democracy throughout the Middle East and the world in general. I think that Natan Sharansky put it best when he noted to The New York Sun:
"I think the fate of these dissidents will bring the picture of moral clarity in these equations for the West." He added,"I recommend America take this as a test case and to put it as a test in their relations with the Iranian regime."
Lets hope that the West wakes up to the calls for democracy by Ganji and Sharansky before its too late. The folks of Iran are feeling the breezes of change but really needs stronger gales from the West to launch it's navy of democracy against the powerful mullahs of Tehran.

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