Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mexico, Aye Carumba!!!

Fire of Liberty

As if Mexico didn't have enough problems with drug cartels, corruption, economic growth, poverty, and gang activity, now they're pushing forward a law that will decriminalize the possession of small amounts of drugs. Here's what Reuters news has to say about the new law:
Under the law, police will not penalize people for possessing up to 5 grams of marijuana, 5 grams of opium, 25 milligrams of heroin. Nor does the law penalize possession of 500 milligrams of cocaine -- enough for a few lines.

The legal changes will also decriminalize the possession of limited quantities of LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, amphetamines, ecstasy and peyote -- a psychotropic cactus found in Mexico's northern deserts.
Now I can say that I've seen yet another silly chapter in Mexico's sad plight to ruin. One thing that perplexes me is the claim made by the article which is that the Mexican citizenry doesn't have such a big drug problem as the US. If this is so, then why in the world do you need to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of drugs. People don't just carry drugs like pocket change if they weren't using such drugs. I'm guessing we'll see the drug trade increase in Mexico with the passage of such a law.(I know folks will bring up the argument that demand keeps the drugs coming to America but you only have to look at the Netherlands to see what legalizing(even with the minute amounts in Mexico)drugs will do to a society's core. Oh well, Mexico will continue its highway to hell and we'll see yet another mass exodus into our nation due to the Mexican government's libertarian streak(It's a darn sham they aren't as libertarian with their economic and size of government decisions.)

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