Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Arise Ye Illegal Immigrants and Unite

Fire of Liberty

Today, as I watched the illegal immigration walkout(Do you find it ironic that such is happening on the grand communist holiday of May Day), I saw tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and their supporters abandon their schools and jobs to strut up and down the streets of Atlanta, Chicago, LA and other locations throughout the nation carrying banners and proclaiming that they are part of the American fabric because "this is a nation of immigrants." For me, such comments by illegal immigrants totally is a disservice the memory and sacrifice of the millions of immigrants who came here legally via the proper channels and made it their utmost goal to become a fully assimilated US citizen. To make matters worse, we have various members of the US Senate (President Bush - One of my disappointments with him - domestic spending is the other.) who keep on promoting a comprehensive immigration bill which provides for an amnesty for the 12 million "undocumented workers" but has little regard for securing our borders from a constant stream of illegals coming into our country from Mexico. If we can't secure our borders with a fence(virtual or real) or stricter re-enforcement on the corporations that hire them, then how in the world are we going to curb the constant flow of illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande or the deserts of Arizona if we keep on turning a blind eye to illegal activity and give them a chance to become a citizen or receive a new work visa.

As I've noted in previous entries, we've been down this same road in 1965 and 1986 and the only thing we've seen is more illegal immigration while the folks who have been queued in the legal line are left waiting for a proper entry into this nation. One individual who seems to have the same take on this issue but in a more detailed way is National Review's John Derbyshire who has written a good piece in his over at National Review Online. Now if you want to get a load of facts and little or no rhetoric that seems to be bandied on cable news and by the marchers then I suggest you read Derbyshire's piece. You won't be disappointed and will probably learn more on the issue du jour than what the MSM gives you (They can't seem to tell the difference from an illegal and legal immigrant). Here's a brief sample of Derb's wonderful piece:
Fool me three times: 2006 Well, you see how it goes. Much sound and fury in Congress. Some firm-sounding pronouncements for the president, dressed up in much gassy verbiage about "“human rights"” and "“family values"” and "“nation of immigrants."” Sonorous declarations from the congresscritters about how this time they really mean it, sanctions really will be enforced——No kidding! Honest injun!——only the deserving will be amnestied, etc. etc.

ItÂ’s going to happen. The stage is being set up for another performance of the immigration-reform opera buffa as I write, in fact: The old backdrops are being repainted, the props are being dusted off, the orchestra is tuning up, and the dimwitted old gent——read "American public"”——who is going to be made a fool of by the clever young tenor and soprano——that'’s the immigration lobbies and their enablers in the press and foreign chancelleries——is gluing on his false whiskers.
I'd say that he's spot on with his assessment and provides some intellectual firepower to the whole argument on illegal immigration and its impact on this nation. So check it out.

*** While folks claim that illegals or "undocumented workers" are here doing jobs Americans won't do, will that mean that these individuals won't do such jobs when they get their visas and a path to citizenship? I guess this means that come twenty years from now we'll have millions upon millions of illegals doing jobs that Americans won't do. (Do you foresee another immigration bill in 2026.)

1 comment:

shliknik said...

I do find it funny (oxymoronic maybe) that 'illegals' were protesting as if they were citizens of the US.

No one is against immigration....only 'illegal' immigration. I found it a disservice when I read some papers or saw on the news that they were reporting it as a rally for immigrantion. Everyone is for immigration!! It's just that it has to be in a orderly manner. If you truly want to be a citizen of the US, then you have to go by the guidelines. No one can convince me otherwise.