Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Clear-Headed Look At Haditha

Fire of Liberty

As I scanned the various news-sights and cable news channels this past weekend I kept on bumping into all the various suggestions that the incident in Haditha is yet another Mi Lai massacre. Now while I'm no expert about what happened in Haditha(There full story and details have not come to light) I do know that the incident pales in comparison to the death of some 200 Vietnamese villagers at the hands of Lt. Cali and his men. Now while others have convicted these soldiers and placed them in up their up their with some of the worst military atrocities in modern military history, I'm not going to rush in and do the same until the full details come out. I'm not forgiving this atrocity but I do believe in looking at the facts and evidence as a whole rather than the "baby killer" approach being meted out by the left and most of the MSM. One individual that seems to take this approach is Christopher Hitchens who has penned a well balanced look over at Slate on the whole situation. So if you will, take some time to read Hitchens' wonderful piece.

Also take a look here, here, here, here, and here .


shliknik said...

There are extremists on both sides who use the other's problems against them politcally. Dems will try and use this against Repubs just as Repubs will use the next screwups against Dems. That's what most frustrating about politics: we don't get to hear how YOU will fix things, but mostly how the other side CAN'T.

jstarley05 said...

I'd say with regards to the actions of our military, the Republicans aren't going to cheer the defeat and retreat of our soldiers as the Dems(A lot of Dems are respectful of our military and actions in the War on Terror but their public face seem to have reverted back to a McGovern mindset.) Politics is politics but I'd say it should stop at the water's edge when it come to our troops and their fight for our freedom and security. I'd say that if the Democratic leadership wants to hold the reins of power they need to emulate President Harry S. Truman much like Peter Beinart(The New Republic) points out in his new book The Good Fight: Why Liberals -- and Only Liberals --- Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again. (While I don't embrace Beinart's recommendations, I do agree that the way of Truman is the right way to go.)