Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Return to Strength

Fire of Liberty

While the Democrats(Especially the leftist half)are carrying on about how the Party of Jackson is destined to take the helm of power from the GOP in the near future, they fail to realize that their current stance on fighting the War on Terror and our general foreign policy is hurting such efforts. Some sound advice is for the Dems to return to their strong foreign policy/defense of America roots established by FDR, Harry Truman and Scoop Jackson(You can go back further to Andrew Jackson if you will) rather than flocking to the corner of George McGovern, Henry Wallace and friends of the extreme left that the currently cleft to. After reading the following piece by David Frum on the current attempts of the left to take down Senator Joe Lieberman in the Democratic primary race in Conn., I'd say they've got a long way to go before securing Congress in 06 or the White House come 08. Seems to me the Democratic party needs to re-read a biography on Truman, FDR or Andrew Jackson or Peter Beinart's new book The Good Fight: Why Liberals --- and Only Liberals --- Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again, which calls for the return to the days of Truman. Now I'm pretty much in disagreement with Beinart's claim that America isn't great or applying liberal solutions to our problems but I do agree with his arguments on embracing "Give em' Hell" Truman.

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