Friday, April 21, 2006

Rolling the mullahs up in a Persian Carpet

Fire of Liberty

Well it looks like there's some folks in the White House and the State Department who are formulating some non-military responses to the regime in Iran. As I've been saying for some two years, it's far better to take down the regime via an internal regime change than launching an attack(This tool should still be laid out on the table) on Tehran. This road might get rough for the true democrats and dissidents within and outside of Iran but it far outweighs a long drawn out fight against Iran. One thing I would recommend is that the State Department sub-contract the money and support of this movement via an outside or private source like an NGO rather than leaving the "made in the US" sticker on it like it is now. If the folks at State, Defense and the White House remember the lessons of the Cold War and the take-down of the Soviet Union then they'll have great success in dethroning the mullahs. Here's wishing the democratic movement in and outside of Iran good luck.

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