Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mullah Missiles

Fire of Liberty
While we watch a large percentage of the GOP in Congress try to out-Democrat the Democrats by offering silly solutions to the rise in gas prices, the Iranians are going about their merry way and pushing forward with their nuclear ambitions. To make matters worse, the Ze'ev Schiff of the Israeli daily Ha'aretz(A left to center publication) has a piece out that reports that the regime in Iranian has stepped up its efforts in fashioning a nuclear device for newly acquired ballistic missiles from North Korea. Here's a look at what Schiff had to report in Ha'aretz:
The missiles are known in the West as BM-25s, operate on liquid fuel and are single-stage. The BM-25 was originally manufactured in the Soviet Union, where the first generation, adapted for use by Soviet submarines and able to carry a nuclear warhead, was known as the SSN6. After the Russians retired the missiles from service, they sold them to the North Koreans, who developed them to carry a heavier payload.

With this purchase the Iranians have leap-frogged over their Shihab-4 missile with its range of 2,000 kilometers.

Iran worked for years on the development of the Shihab-3, which has a range of 1,300 kilometers, and conducted numerous tests. They also developed a cone with improved ability to enter the atmosphere, which meant it was more accurate.

The fact that the Shihab-3, when fired from certain areas of Iran, could hit Israel, spurred Israel on in its development of the Arrow missile, which can intercept the Shihab-3.

The Iranians are known to be at the early stages of developing two more long-range missiles. However American intelligence sources say Iran is at an advanced stage of developing a missile that can carry a nuclear warhead.
So not only does the US have to worry about our allies in the Middle East being hit by these mad mullahs but now we have to worry about our allies in Europe being nuked by such distant reaching missiles. Now the folks in our Congress can keep on harping about gas prices but I'm thinking that they should be focusing on the actions on behalf of Iran. We cannot allow the mullahs to continue their current pace on the development of nukes and the delivery system of such deadly weapons. While I'm on-board with the US and UKs efforts to push for sanctions against the regime in the UN Security Council, I have to say that we should be supporting the true democrats (Students, Intellectuals, Labor Unions and Dissidents) of Iran and their efforts to force a democratic change in Tehran. Such an effort far outweighs an military option but at Tehran's current rate our hand might be forced. So Congress shouldn't get lost in their gas inquiries especially when a deadly regime like Iran is this close to the bomb. Just imagine what will happen with the price of oil if Tehran nuked Athens, Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris or Rome in the near future. So taking on the dangerous regime now will far outweigh what any of these members have done in this current term of Congress.

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