Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Iran: True Colors Shine Through

Fire of Liberty

It seems that the new president of Iran has been in the Islamic Revolutionary club way back in 1979. According to a recent article in The Times various sources claim that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was one of the students who stormed the US Embassy in Tehran and held some 60 people some 444 days during the Islamic Revolution. Just look at the photo above and decide for yourself. I'm finally glad that a lot more folks in the media have realized that the Islamic Republic of Iran is once and for all the tyrannical nature of these mullah's with the promotion of a fellow tyrant to the post of president. I guess this is what happens when your nation is ruled by wild eyed mullah like the Supreme Religious Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his fellow chums in the Council of Guardians who have the last word in what occurs throughout Iran. The best way for Iran to escape such a tyrannous regime is through the complete overhaul of the whole system starting with the all powerful yet unelected folks like Khamenei and the Council Guardians. With a true showing of its cards, the regime might have lit the match of the democracy movement, who can bring about a wind of change with a little help from the West.

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