Friday, July 07, 2006

7/7 is Just the Tip of the Iceberg of Radical Islam in London

Fire of Liberty

While watching the coverage of the one year anniversary of the deadly subway/double-decker bus bombing in London, I kept hearing reporters carry on about how the folks in the England have accepted the fact that terrorism is a way of life now as well as others calling for greater tolerance and coming together. Now while I'm perturbed by the MSM promoting their typical talking points about the people of London accepting terrorism(I'm radically opposed to laying down and rolling over for terrorists. I guess that's what makes me a great fan of Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan, GWB, and Israel.), I'm far more bothered with this call for tolerance or reconciliation amongst the various communities in London. Well the problem with this call for more tolerance for the various Islamic groups in London is that the government of England has been doing this for way too long and has turned their eyes away from the growth of Islamic fundamentalism and the actions of these individuals within and around the various neighborhoods in London thus the emergence of Richard Reid (The shoe bomber), Abu Hamza al-Masri, the radicalism within the Finsbury Mosque as well as the actions of July 7, 2005. Luckily the people of England and London have become well are of how "multi-culturalism" turned to ten has had on their country with the most recent publication of Londonistan by the Daily Mail's columnist Melaine Phillips. Within this well written book, Phillips provides her readers with a well detailed look at how individuals of the ilk of Abu Hamza have used the freedoms that the people in England take for granted as well as the ideas of multi-culturalism to fly under the radar thus entrenching radical Islam root and branch within the UK thus threatening the viability of the English society as a whole. I highly recommend you read the book but in the meantime and for the sake of those who died on July 7, 2005, I suggest you take a look at this interview over at Encounter Books between terrorism expert Steven Emerson and Melanie Phillips to understand how much a threat Islamic fundamentalism has become in London. Take a look.

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