Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Israel Has Got to Keep on Keepin' On Against Islamic Terrorism

Fire of Liberty

Even with the people of Israel in constant fear of being struck by Hezbollah's deadly missiles and the IDF conducting military operations to stop such carnage, I'm beginning to hear various rumblings about the need for diplomacy or even a ceasefire. If you pay close attention to cable news and other segments of the media along with various politicians and diplomats within the US and the world you'll discover the same talking points about the "cycle of violence" and about preventing a regional war with other nations in the Middle East. Now while it's great to have a desire to halt the fighting for the simple reason of desiring peace, the current situation with regards to Israel is not something that's going to be ended with a ceasefire. The simple reason why a ceasefire is not in the cards is that Hezbollah is a terrorist group whose main objective is not to end some so-called occupation (Israel has been out of Lebanon since 2000) but the complete destruction of Israel. What's even worse is the fact that Hezbollah is willing to take Lebanon down with it to achieve such a goal. With a group unwilling to even acknowledge the right for Israel to exist let alone stop the indiscriminate firing of unguided missiles on the citizens of northern Israel the only solution is to go into the areas controlled by Hezbollah and wipe out the viper nest of terrorists. If you look at the past eight or nine days you've seen the IAF launch round-the-clock operations against Hezbollah's infrastructure thus creating a great bit of chaos within the vipers nest thus putting a damper on their ability to fight their kind of war. I'm pretty much convinced that after a couple more days of softening up Hezbollah's defenses and destroying their tactical command-and-control as well as their communications, the IDF will send in ground forces into southern Lebanon to wipe out enough of Hezbollah's forces and push them back so far that they'll be unable to launch any effective strike into the Israeli heartland. Even better, this operation might help weaken the forces in Hezbollah that the Sunni, Druze and Christian leaders in the government of Lebanon will rise up and demand that the Lebanese army take out these terrorists once and for all.

Now while Operation Just Reward(the IDFs name for its current operation) won't wipe Hezbollah lock, stock and barrel from southern Lebanon it is a stab in the right direction which is the degradation of Hezbollah. A ceasefire might sound good to the various diplomats, politicians and talking heads but the survivability of Israel is at stake and the offering of appeasement towards these self-avowed enemies is one thing that'll get Israel destroyed for certain. With enemies on three sides and their backs to the Mediterranean,(With Moses dead and gone, their option for turning towards the sea is out of the question) the state of Israel has only one option which is to fight Hezbollah, Hamas and their sponsors in Syria and Iran.

As a great defender of Israel, I have done my best to lay out a good argument on why Israel has got to push onward with its campaign against these terrorists and rather than falling into the ceasefire clap-trap that others are carrying on about. Now while I've done my part, I thought I'd share with you some pieces that I've been reading which lay out some of the best arguments for Israel to continue Operation Just Reward. Amongst the many columns I've read since the commencement of the IDF's operation against Hezbollah, I have to say that David Warren(Ottawa Citizen), and syndicated columnists Charles Krauthammer, William Murchinson and Jonah Goldberg seem to lay out some of the best arguments as to why Israel has to keep on the offensive and avoid more sand-traps that the world community of diplomats and politicians throw before Israel for mere peace. So along with reading Fire of Liberty, I suggest you read these supplemental pieces to understand the why Israel can't and shouldn't back down.

1 comment:

ilhamisavas said...

i agree with your opinion all exactly.. But they must be hurry up.

have nice..