Friday, July 14, 2006

Pushing Hezbollah Back

Fire of Liberty
According to this piece in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, the Hezbollah terrorists have acquired a new variant of the Katyusha missile known as the Zelzal-2 which has a range up to 200km(124.2 miles) and a 600 kilogram warhead. If you add this missile along with the enormous arsenal of Katyusha's(13,000 with a range of 12-25 km), Fajar-3 and Fajar 5(500 with a range of 45 to 75 km) and some 115 km Katyusha's, Hezbollah is able to reach a considerable amount of Israel from its bases along the Israeli/Lebanese border. With a considerable amount of the folks in Israel under a everyday barrage of these deadly fire and forget missiles in the hands of Hezbollah in the Beka'a valley(And a lesser extent in Gaza) PM Olmert and his diligent officers in the Northern Command of the IDF have finally decided that a new era of Israeli national security has to come about. The most obvious component of this new era of security is that the terrorists of Hezbollah are pushed well behind their current location with such a commanding reach of their missiles within Israel. Now the greatest of Israel's wishes in the complete elimination of Hezbollah their current goal is to make life a living hell in southern Lebanon for Hezbollah by cutting out their access to more weapons like the Zelzal-2 and Katyushas, re-enforcements, food, command and control, and their ability to rally their supporters by bombing roads, bridges, air/sea ports, radio/TV stations, Hezbollah headquarters thus creating a greater push-back of these terrorists into the interior of Lebanon and lessening their threats. All in all, Israel is securing their own national security by taking on the assets of Hezbollah through this excellent air campaign over the sky of Lebanon and won't rest until these terrorists are forced to cease their deadly operations against Israel.

I'd say that my early predictions of PM Olmert and his Kadima party showing a sign of weakness at the hands of terrorists by turning inward by leaving Gaza and pulling up the drawbridge was a mistake on my part. Now it took a little while for Olmert and his friends on the left to see the threat staring them in the face but from the looks of it PM Olmert is handling the situation with regards to the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah pretty darn well. One shouldn't forget that it doesn't take much for the leadership of nation that is so small and surrounded by a den of deadly adversaries to get their bearings straight and take on this challenge head-on.(Don't forget that all Israelis (With the exception of some highly orthodox Jews) have to serve in the military and are pretty much devoted to the survival of their nation.) So I wish the IDF, the people of Israel and their government with a hearty salute and wish them well in their efforts to take-down the deadly terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah.

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