Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bush Is Spot-On With Regards To Iran

Fire of Liberty

Now while a lot of folks in the MSM, leaders in Europe and a few select Senators might call for greater negotiations between the Iranians and the US, President Bush continues to stand on principle and refuses to back down from taking on individuals that threatens our way of life and denies others of G-d's given rights. You got to say the President is standing on firm ground when he pointed out in his speech today that Iran's president(The mullahs main pick) is indeed a tyrant especially when you see a continued violent crack-downs on the various marches and protests of student, labor groups, and dissidents for greater freedoms as well as their continued support a promotion of Hezbollah. To make matters worse is the fact that Iran's tyrants continued quest for a nuclear weapons program and the development of effective delivery platforms not only physically endangers the people of Iran(Oh, maybe a large compliment of F-15's, F-16's, F-18's, B-52's, B-1's and B-2's dropping bombs on the weapons sites)but it is also draining the economy of Iran in seriously low depths that has racked them will high levels of unemployment and greater levels of poverty in Iran. While economics isn't a true determination on whether or not a country is indeed a tyranny but you've got to say that when a nation's government devotes so much money to making nukes, missiles, and funding terrorists while denying basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then they're pretty much a tyranny. In fact, this most recent piece in the AP on the machinations of Iran's president and co-conspirators is yet another blinking sign that it is indeed a tyranny. So keep on keepin' on President Bush.


Lew Scannon said...

..but you've got to say that when a nation's government devotes so much money to making nukes, missiles, and funding terrorists while denying basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then they're pretty much a tyranny. sounds like the Bush regime to me!

jstarley05 said...

Name one example of how Bush is on par with Iran's tyrants. I haven't seen the President send out hit squads on Cindy Shaheen, shutting down the NY Times, Washington Post, The Nation, The New Republic, Time, Newsweek, Mother Jones, The Atlantic, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NPR, CBS, ABC, NBC for commenting on running stories negative of the administration. I'd also would like for you to show me where we sponsor terrorists like Iran does. As far as our GDP expenditure on defense, it's only 3% compared to the 30 to 40 lpercent spending done by Iran. Even if you don't like Bush, you've got to really stretch to put him in league with Iran and its theocracy.