Sunday, December 04, 2005

Allen could become GOP Quarterback in 08

Fire of Liberty

According to this piece by political watcher Lee Bandy in South Carolina's The State, Senator George Allen of Virginia is making strides with the conservative base and will be a viable alternative to the squishy conservatism of John McCain when it comes to 2008 Republican Presidential nomination. Though I'm still hoping for Dick Cheney to run, I have to say that I'm clearly in the Allen column and will make it my duty to promote his run in 08. For me, anyone who is a proven conservative through and through, and truly promotes conservative ideas like less government, lower taxes, energy independence, the promotion of judges in the mold of Scalia, Thomas and Roberts, and a former governor of a southern state like Virginia, they've got my backing. He also resembles my kind of president because he likes to chew skoal, wear cowboy boots & hats, loves hunting, fishing and football and listens to country music. Though McCain would get my vote on issues like his opposition to wasteful pork-barrel spending and his unwavering commitment to our fight in Iraq and the overall War on Terror, he loses it on issues like campaign finance reform, taxes, economics and countless other policies that he favors that are way too progressive (really they're liberal) for me to deal with. So unless Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater(the 1964 one) re-materializes within the next two years, Allen is my racehorse in the 08 sweepstakes. So let the games begin.

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