Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Christmas

Fire of Liberty

If you have been watching the news, listening to the radio or living your everyday life, you've probably noticed there seems to be an onslaught on Christianity most notably on the celebration of Christmas by folks in the ACLU and popular culture in general. I can't recall all of the countless news stories on how this or that group is protesting the display of the Cross, the Ten Commandments in the public square or on our highways, like in Utah, or people going to court to erase all traces of references to G-d from our money, monuments, pledges. Even during the Christmas Holidays we see these activists rev up their motors and make it their life's work to prevent a nation that is 84% Christian from displaying a creche with baby Jesus on the city square or urging various college and public school systems to change their the name "Christmas Break" to something like "Winter Break," "Holiday Weeks," to keep from offending others (In most cases it's to assuage the sensibilities of the ACLU rather than other religions) but in reality they are establishing an enormous rot in our society that will eventually cause this great nation to fall much like past civilizations have done when they lost their way. It all good to have disagreements about religion in this country but the anti-G-d coalition need to realize that the 1st Amendment didn't say that our government or our people should be cut off from religion but said the US shouldn't establish a state religion because our founding fathers knew that if we ever established a state religion then we would see a lot of people being prevented from doing what their heart desired because they weren't a member of the state religion.

Now the ACLU/Separation of Church types will argue that their reading of the 1st Amendment is enough for them to keep religion out of the public square but our founding fathers and subsequent leaders have thrown this to the wayside with their various references to G-d throughout the years. Just take a look at the Declaration of Independence, Washington's many Thanksgiving Declarations and his farewell address, Lincoln's many writings and speeches, FDR's addresses as well as President Reagan's not to mention the 42 (Grover Cleveland re-elected in non-consecutive terms) times our leaders have said "So help me G-d" when they're sworn in.

Now getting to my point about the tearing down of these symbols of religion basically destroying our society from the inside, I think Thomas Sowell pretty much sums the whole argument up it with his most recent column "Merry You--Know-What." To fully understand this argument, just read these following paragraphs from Sowell's great column:
Those who banish the symbols of a civilization often undermine that civilization in other ways as well. People who warn us against being "Eurocentric" are often totally Eurocentric when it comes to condemning the sins of the human race as if they were peculiarities of "our society."

These are not just isolated foibles that we can laugh at. No society can survive in the long run without the allegiance of its people. Undermining a sense of the worthiness of a society undermines that allegiance -- and, without allegiance, there is no defense.

In the international jungle, made more dangerous by terrorist networks that circle the globe, anything that it is not defended is in jeopardy -- which means we are all in jeopardy, and so are our children and our children's children.

Those who wage war against the symbols of American society and Western civilization may do so for no wider purpose than moral exhibitionism or just a desire to be in step with fashionable trends. But silliness can be a prelude to tragedy.
So maybe these folks need to rethink their position before they turn our society into another Greece, Rome or other great civilizations that have been lost because folks hollowed out the granite walls that protected their society from invading hordes. I pray that people in America stand against this tide and keep the granite walls of our civilization as strong as possible.

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