Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Preventing A Debacle

Fire of Liberty

Here's a good piece by Victor Davis Hanson over at National Review Online that provides a good assessment of how the Dean Squad (Reid, Kerry, Pelosi, and Murtha) is leading the Democratic party further into "the wilderness" with their continued arguments that all is going to hell in Iraq and their continued devotion to a more weakened national defense. Even when Senator Lieberman, Rep. Hoyer, Marshall and a select few are trying to save their party from complete ruin by taking a pricipled stand on continuing our mission in Iraq, it seems that the leadership is bound and determined to get out of Iraq because they distaste anything that has President Bush's stamp of approval on it. It's all well and good to have a differing of opinion on and issue like Iraq but you'd think that the "all is lost" crowd could at least come up with a better solution than just "withdrawal." Aside from offering a resonable solution to Iraq, the Democratic party has got even bigger problem which is the "weak on defense" stigma that it has developed with the American public. One of the most important things the DNC needs to do is return to the good ol' days, where giants like FDR, Truman and JFK manned the White House and folks like Carl Vinson, John Stennis, Henry "Scoop" Jackson and Sam Nunn roamed the halls of Congress fought tooth and nail to defend this nation from its enemies. Even when the opposing party was leading the nation, you still could count on these pillars of strength to stand up for this nation especially during a time of war. It's a shame that we can't say the same thing about a large majority of the current lot across the aisle. While I'm a conservative who votes Republican, I still prefer a healthy opposition party and hopefully Senators Lieberman, Biden as well as Rep. Hoyner and Marshall will hold the gap before the Dems implode.

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