Saturday, December 03, 2005

There's Got to Be a Lawyer Joke in There Somewhere

Fire of Liberty

Here's Christopher Hitchens' take on Saddam's addition of former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark to his defense team. It's interesting what kind of people crawl out of the wood-pile when a murderous tyrant is put on trial for their crimes. I'm just wondering if folks like Clark would be defending folks like Saddam if President Bush wasn't the president but Clark jumped at the opportunity to defend Slobodon Milosevic at the Hague after Clinton launched a war with Serbia over Kosovo, so you could say he's an equal-tyrant opportunist and seems to crave the spotlight by hovering around folks like Slobo, Saddam or Kim Il Jong. Well I'll let you read Hitchens' views on this septuagenarian peace activist and his continued attraction to defend some of the world's most horrific dictators.

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