Monday, December 12, 2005

Justice Delivered

Fire of Liberty

After some 27 years in which the families of Albert Owens, Yen-I Yang, Tsai-Shai Yang and Yee-Chen Lin will finally recieve some justice and a sense of closure when Tookie Williams walks that "long green mile" in San Quentin tonight. While folks like Snoop-Dog, Jamie Foxx and most likely Jessie Jackson will call this a travesty, their arguments become diluted when Gov Schwarzenegger denies clemency and points out in this five page argument that after nearly 30 years of appeals and subsequent denials or loses before the California Supreme Court, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the US Supreme Court, a bevy of indisputable evidence and testimony pointing Williams directly to the crime, and no apology for his crimes, he could not find a way to save the twice convicted murderer and gangster from the death chamber. Along with this response by Arnold, I also would recommend you read these two pieces by Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, here and here, on why murderers like Williams have to stand before the hangman and endure a punishment equal to their crime, which is death.

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