Wednesday, July 27, 2005

British MP John Major calls for Change of Policy

Fire of Liberty

John Major, former British PM 1992-1997, seems to be stepping up to the plate against the rise of radical Islam in the various neighborhoods throughout the UK by calling on the government to deport foreign born preachers of hate who cloud the mind of the youth. Just look at what The Daily Telegraph reported on Major:
"There seem to be many people who, for reasons that are irrational, dislike the Anglo-Saxon way of life," he said in an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

He called for heavier penalties for those who incited violence at this "particularly sensitive time", including deportation for non-Britons who attacked the British way of life.

While he acknowledged it would be difficult to balance new restrictions against freedom of speech, it would be "justifiable to protect the public". "As far as those who literally spit hate at our country and incite, I personally would be prepared to deport those where it is clear that what they are doing is causing civil unrest."
I'd say that Major is on to something. Free speech is one thing but when it encourages outright violence or destruction of a nation and its culture, you've gone to far. It once thing to call for the overthrow of a tyrannies like Iran, Cuba, North Korea but England or the West haven't done such evils like the Outposts of Tyranny. So keep up the good fight Mr. Major.

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