Wednesday, July 27, 2005

More MP's call for Islamic Radicals to be Deported

Fire of Liberty

In today's edition of The Daily Telegraph, there's a story calling for the deportation of Mohammed al-Massari who is a known supporter of Osama bin Laden and foreign dissident living in London. The article noted that al-Massari has been espousing Islamic fundamentalism since the early 90's when he set up a press office for Osama in London. In the mid-90's he established the Committee for Defence of Legitimate Rights which he noted to The Seattle Times in 2004 that it was an "ideological voice" of al-Qa'eda. He has also noted in several interviews with the BBC that Muslims had the right to assassinate the Prime Minister or even British troops serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

It's really a shame that the British people have to continue to put up with the government providing a hate monger like al-Massari with the privilage of asylum as well as a pension. I just hope more people follow John Major's lead and call for the likes of al-Massari to be thrown out of the UK once and for all. Even though the Tories have been calling for this vermin to be thrown out of the UK, the Telegraph article notes that there is a growing tide of similar regards within the Labour party. Just look at this:
Andrew Dismore, Labour MP for Hendon, who has been pressing for action against jihadists for many years, said the proposed new laws might help the police and prosecutors to bring charges against some of the more vocal apologists for al-Qa'eda.

But he said: ''We do have powers and we should be a bit more imaginative in using them pending the introduction of the new laws. If we are not going to prosecute, the least we can do is remove their right to remain in the UK.''
Hopefully, we'll see a groundswell of British citizens, MP's and members of the House of Lords that will push forward the removal of such vile creatures of al-Massari. I know it won't solve the UK's problems but it a got start in the right direction. Time is not on the UK's side to dilly-dally around, they need to get to work.

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