Sunday, July 31, 2005

Wahhabi Islam Run Amuck

Fire of Liberty

Stephen Schwartz has a good piece over at The Weekly Standard on how the West seems to place a greater emphasis on the authoritarian nature of the regimes of Central Asia while failing to recognize the growing threat of Wahhabi Islam to the region. It's very enlightening to anyone wanting to know more about the nations surrounding Afghanistan. Thank God there's people like Stephen Schwartz digging deeper into the scene in these nations and revealing the unvarnished truth.

Schwartz's observation that the Wahhabi strain of Islam has drifted from Saudi Arabia and other hotbeds of Salafast Islam into the various corners of the world seems to have encamped itself into the Caucas region of Russia. According to this article in The Christian Science Monitor, it seems that such radicals have found their way into the independence movement in Dagestan and Chechnya. What once used to be a movement of independence militias against the military forces of Russia has been transformed into a terroristic jihad led by Islamic radicals who have no claim to Chechnya or Dagestan or wish to settle the dispute peacefully. It's amazing what kind of disaster zone can be created when the evil of Wahhabi Islam infiltrates the ranks. I just hope that the folks in Moscow and other world capitals who are battling in the Global War on Terror will finally learn how deep the forces of Wahhabi Islam have dug their hills into these regions. Until then, they will continue to run into one roadblock after the other in confronting the scourge of Islamic terrorism.

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