Thursday, July 21, 2005

Zimbabwe's Highway to Hell

Fire of Liberty

It looks like the tyranny of Africa known as Zimbabwe is taking one more step towards a traumatic collapse after "Uncle Bob" Mugabe and his comrades in the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe decided to devalue its currency by some 39%, which means it will take some Z$17,000 to equal one American dollar. I guess the loosening of property rights, failures to liberalize economy or promote free trade, hazing the home of tens of thousands of its citizens, it makes sense to the followers of Mugabe to take this disastrous step. Even after all of these horrific policy options, Zimbabwe has decided to follow the path of the rest of the kleptocracies and tin-pot dictatorships in Africa and Asia by begging for enormous loans from South Africa and China. It'd be far better for a nation like South Africa to demand that Mugabe step down and end Zimbabwe's journey into hell rather than the continued propping up of Mugabe's regime.

As always, the folks of Africa will more than likely sit back and loan Zimbabwe more money and then when Mugabe's paradise falls into chaos like Somalia, Rwanda, Sudan or Ethiopia, we'll hear countless calls for help and more pledges of "No more Rwanda's," because they turned a blind eye to the situation. How many more years will these governments fail to nip problems in the bud before they get out of hand?

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