Sunday, February 13, 2005

Calling Evil by its name.

Fire of Liberty

I was watching "After Hours with Cal Thomas" on FOX News and he had the Christian philosopher Os Guinness on. He was talking about his new book Unspeakable: Facing Up to Evil in an Age of Genocide and Terror. According to Guinness, people in this world has become too shy to call evil by its name. Most of all, Guinness notes that humans have developed an inability to fully understand evil. Throughout his book, Guinness tries to find ways for us to confront and deal with evil. Good book, read it.

Another good read on evil is Return to Good and Evil: Flannery O'Connor's Response to Nihilism by Henry T. Edmondson III, who is a Professor of Public Administration and Political Science at my Almer Mater Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, Georgia. He's also a good professor at that. Anyway, Check out the book.

Yet another piece on evil is by Jonah Goldberg, who wrote about the various acts of evil that has been committed recently, read here.

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