Thursday, February 17, 2005

Ralph Reed running for Lt. Gov of GA

Fire of Liberty

It's official, Ralph Reed has thrown his hat in the ring as a GOP candidate for Lt. Governor of Georgia. Reed, who was the GOP chairman of GA in 2002 as well as the Chairman of the Southeast Region for Bush/Cheney 04, has made the natural progression through the party and is ready to assume the reigns of an elected public servant in Georgia.

If you're like me, you are ready for the state of Georgia to have a fellow conservative battling in the trenches of the General Assembly on behalf of our governor. Unlike Mark Taylor, Ralph Reed will fight to lower your taxes, reduce spending that spendthrifts in Atlanta have bundled into our state's budget, wrestle the control of our schools away from the state government and return the power back to the local school districts who know their school needs better than bureaucrats in Atlanta, as well as strengthening the institutions that have kept our families as well as this state and nation strong.

I've been anticipating this run for some time and it seems Reed is following through. It should be a good election in 2006 and I hope he does well. Check back regularly on Reed.

To learn more go to See more articles here and here on Reed as well. He's also a UGA grad. Hunker down you hairy Dawg.

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