Monday, April 18, 2005

Bon Voyage to The Public Interest

Fire of Liberty

Here's a great article in April 25, 2005 issue of The Weekly Standard by David Skinner which is an appreciation for The Public Interest, whose doors are closing after a lengthy forty year run. While the conservative World has lost a great friend in the culture war as well as the public policy spectrum with the closing of The Public Interest, it has a legion of writers and readers who will carry on with the fight in other magazines/journals, blogs, and think tanks. It has already been a launch pad for intellectuals like Charles Murray, James Q. Wilson and an inspiration to policy makers like Newt Gingrich and the 1994 Republican Congress on the Welfare Reform Policies. Luckily, we have the archive at The Public Interest to enlighten the folks who have never had the privilege of reading such a wonderful journal. Also check here for an archive which goes back to 1993. The journal will be missed and I hope someone introduces a second coming of such an intellectually stimulating journal in the near future. Until then, Thanks to the people of The Public Interest and their impact on the debate.

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