Monday, April 25, 2005

UK Identity at Risk: The Discontent of Multiculturalism

Fire of Liberty

John O'Sullivan has a wonderful piece over at National Review Online on the UK election and how both parties have failed to address the growing problems that have been created by the policy of multiculturalism. Here's a sample of O'Sullivan's work:
No great social transformation was needed on behalf of Caribbean immigrants who spoke English, who were Christian (often devoutly so), and who thought of themselves as British. But as immigrants from different cultures and different religions arrived in significant numbers, especially Muslim immigrants, somewhat deeper changes were proposed. Instead of seeking to acculturate these immigrants into British life and values (on the assimilationist "melting pot" model), however, a policy of multiculturalism was chosen. In other words British society had to change and adapt to enable these new cultural minorities to preserve their language, culture, religion, and other traditions.
One only has to look at our Southern border states and their experience with immigrants who we're catered to by the multiculturalism ninnies. While the immigration issue is considered a big issue in such a large nation like ours, I can only imagine what life is like on the British Isles with so many people who fail to find a common national culture. The authorities of the UK have got to take control or they will surely fail to retain their British identity and become another shell of a nation like other states in Europe.

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