Thursday, April 21, 2005

Fire of Liberty: Tyranny's Worst Nightmare

Fire of Liberty

Michael Ledeen has a terrific piece over at National Review Online on how the tyrannies of the World-namely North Korea, China and Iran- are facing a slow but sure decline due to the people's desire for freedom. While these revolutions are not presented in the Western media as full-blown revolutions on the scale of Georgia, Ukraine, Lebanon or Kyrgyzstan, the leadership in these nations are fully aware of how revolutionary the situation has become. Throughout the cities of these three tyrannical regimes you have various reports of people rioting and protesting in the streets and the regimes failure to keep them under control because the system of government is morally corrupt and the desire for freedom trumps tyranny everytime. The forces of freedom are marching in these nations and the people will eventually find a way to end the machinations of evil that these regimes promote.

I think Ledeen laid the situation out clearly with his concluding paragraph. See if you like it as well:
Five hundred years ago Machiavelli insisted that tyranny is the most unstable form of government, and he warned that the most dangerous development for any tyrant was the contempt of his own people. That dramatic tipping point is now very close in China, Iran, and North Korea. All that is required to get there is a steady flow of the truth from outside their borders, guidance for those who undertake the struggle against the tyrants, and constant reminders — backed up with modest action — that we are with them.
Ledeen should know, he wrote a book on Machiavelli. I'd say that I belong in the same school of thought as Ledeen in the battle of freedom against these forces of evil. As long as I am able to breathe and type, I will continue to keep the flames going in the freedom cauldron here at Fire of Liberty until the jack-boot of tyranny is removed from the backs of these people.

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