Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Future of Western Civilization

Fire of Liberty

Paul Jackson has a wonderful column in today's Calgary Sun which focuses on Herb Meyer's phenomenal DVD The Siege of Western Civilization. Meyer's phenomenal DVD lays out the three great threats to Western Civilization which are Islamic terrorism, moral decay and plunging birthrates. While Islamic terrorism and the moral decline of Western society (look at the news, listen to music, watch TV/Movies) are great factors in the possible collapse of our civilization, the most underlying problem that's running below the radar is the slow but steady decline in birthrates throughout Japan, Europe and the US. While people can rattle off thousands of excuses like careers, time, money, or lack of patience for not having children, they generally fail to realize that by delaying or not having children their only hastening the decline of our society. After reading these paragraphs from Jackson's column, I understand how alarmed Meyer is at the decline in birthrates throughout the Western World. See for yourself:
The replacement level to keep a population intact is 2.1 babies: One baby to replace a father, one to replace a mother, and the 0.1 because some children die before they reach adulthood, and some adults don't have any children at all.

In Western Europe today the birthrate is 1.5, some 30% below replacement level. Meyer notes if this continues when his college age children reach his age there will be 70-80 million fewer 'Europeans' than there are now.

"Three H-bombs and a plague couldn't accomplish that."

Japan's birth rate is 1.3%, which means in 20 or 30 years time, there will be 50-60 million fewer Japanese. How would you like to be a producer of baby food or baby carriages in Japan?

This, says Meyer, has devastating economic consequence because without a replacement population manufacturing plants, shopping malls, and schools will be empty.

Western Europe (and Canada) have sought to fight the falling birth rate by mass immigration, often from countries that do not adhere to the values of western civilization. Hence its continuing collapse within our midst. Since Japan's culture is not open to foreign immigration the economic consequences are already far worse than in Western Europe, where the economy has simply stalled. In Japan, it has crashed.

The U.S. birth rate is about 2%, just below replacement rate, but that is falling, too. The U.S. has about six to eight years to reverse the trend, predicts Meyer.
So from what I gander, the people of Western Civilization need to wake up and take control of their own destiny by starting families with lots of children. It about time we get back to having large families again. Take it from me, I know all about large families. My Great-Grandmother on my father's side of the family had 16 children, and my Grandmother (father's side) had 12 children. I realize this is too much for some people, so just aim for two kids. So start saving Western Civilization.

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