Friday, April 29, 2005

Foaud Ajami & Bernard Lewis: A Dynamic Duo on the Mid-East

Fire of Liberty

With the Fire of Liberty burning in nations like Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon due to the actions of the US and the promotion of democracy, the Middle East has seen a dramatic change from the status quo that once existed. This overwhelming embrace of democracy would never have come to fruition had the White House not sought the advice of Professor Fouad Ajami and Professor Bernard Lewis who are two preeminent professors on the Middle East that understand that autocratic regimes are what keeps countries saddled in chaos and prevents the blossoming of democracy.

After some three years of fighting the War on Terror and the spread of freedom into Afghanistan and Iraq and the subsequent Cedar Revolution, the advice of Ajami and Lewis seem to have been more than a chimera that their critics had foretold. Well the fine professors have had time to digest the actions these past years and have published too extensive articles in the May/June 2005 issue of the foreign policy journal Foreign Affairs.

In an effort to save your time and mine, I'll just provide the links. Here's Professor Fouad Ajami's article "The Autumn of the Autocrats," and here is Professor Bernard Lewis's article "Freedom and Justice in the Modern Middle East." So enjoy these great but extensive articles.

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