Sunday, April 24, 2005

Labour: Losing a Fight on Immigration

Fire of Liberty

It seems that the argument I've been giving about the UK election revolving more around the issues of crime and immigration rather than education and whatever else Labour presents, is actually coming to fruition. The most obvious demonstration of this becoming a reality can be found in this Leader in The Daily Mail. Just see for yourself:
So we apparently have a Damascene conversion: the Blair who embraces an Australian-style points system for migrants; the Blair who promises a strengthened border police; the Blair who will lock up failed asylum seekers; the Blair who wants English language tests.

Miraculous? Yes indeed, if only he could be believed. But of course this isn't a serious attempt to take a grip. When it is difficult to recall a single occasion that he devoted an entire speech to immigration, it has to be asked why he is doing it now.

The answer is plain. He is badly rattled. The Tories have struck a resounding chord on this issue. Voters know that under this Government, Britain has lost control over its own borders. They see the system as a demeaning shambles.
Hopefully the UK public will demonstrate their anger at Blair's banal attempt to clear up a mess that his party has failed to fix so far. I think eight years is enough time for anyone to get their fill of Labour's benign neglect of domestic security issues like crime and immigration. People can endure only so much and then they will punish the government in charge, hopefully this will be the case on May 5th. We'll see. All I can say is for Howard and the Tories to keep up the good fight.

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