Friday, February 11, 2005

Saudi Elections

Fire of Liberty

Here's a good column by Amir Taheri on the Saudi elections. Anyway, It seems that the Arab World is getting a taste of freedom with this municipal election in Saudi Arabia. Seems to me that the Fire of Liberty has an extensive reach in the World. Could anyone imagine free elections being held in Afghanistan, The Palestinian Territories and Iraq and semi-free elections in Saudi Arabia just four years ago.

This is the beginning of a long evolutionary process in a world that has had little experience with democracy but are bursting at the seems to exercise their God given freedoms. I hope the elections will open the doors for even greater reforms. This action is truly a verification an the old Arab proverb that says "When the head of the camel enters the tent, the rest of it is bound to follow." I think George W Bush is outside of the tent with a cattle prod urging the camel in.

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