Friday, March 25, 2005

Awesome Radio

Fire of Liberty

If your a fan of C-SPAN's Washington Journal especially on Friday's show with Brian Lamb, you probably heard of radio host John Batchelor. During the dark days of 9-11, John Batchelor gave a voice of sanity and a great knowledge of the enemy and tasks before this nation. I've been listening to his show on WABC-770 AM (New York) since the last week of September 2001 and I've amassed a considerable amount of knowledge from listening to him. For those who aren't big fans of AM-Radio's format, they'll find Bathelor's show refreshing. Just imagine a NPR type setting of long segments with knowledgeable guests but without the lefty non-sense of public radio. Aside from politics, the show focuses on terrorism, travel, science and history (I love the Civil War coverage on July 3, 4, 5, which is our Independence Day and the Anniversary of Gettysburg in 1863.) Also, check out his new website here.

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