Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Turtle Bay Pollution Alert!!!

Fire of Liberty

The Iraqis are infuriated at the UN and Kofi Annan after The New York Sun revealed that Benon Sevan, the UN's man who implicated in the Oil-For-Food scandal. It seems the UN's been paying Sevan out of the Iraqi money during an investigation of his wrong-doing. Just look here at the ill feelings in Iraq:
"It's like asking the depositor in a bank to pay for the defense of a bank employee who stole the bank's money," Mr. Istrabadi told The New York Sun yesterday. He said Iraq has demanded several times that the United Nations stop using money from the "2.2% account," as it is known, to finance the investigation led by Paul Volcker and for other expenses. Instead, Iraq said the account should be used to pay Iraq's $19 million debt to the United Nations.

This just shows how much of a madhouse that the UN has become under Kofi's tenure. Thank God, John Bolton is heading there to straighten out the mess.

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