Thursday, March 31, 2005

Happy Trails Kofi

Fire of Liberty

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has a good editorial calling for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to step down from his post after this Oil for Food debacle. In the same vein as the editorial board and most of America, I'm pretty much inclined to agree that Kofi has got to go. There's a great stench coming from Turtle Bay and it's not the river but from the executive offices of the UN. When one of the biggest financial frauds in the World occurs and a considerable amount of Kofi's lieutenants as well as his son Kojo are implicated in this scandal, you'd have to be crazy to deny Kofi's knowledge of what was going on. Just read Claudia Rosett's long list of columns at OpinionJournal and countless articles in magazines like National Review, Commentary and The New Republic, or look and read Senator Norm Coleman's investigations on the scandal, as well as watch the countless hours of the excellent investigative reporting by FOX News' Eric Shaun and Johnathan Hunt and you'll see that Kofi knew more and did more that Paul Volker was allowed to investigate. I do believe Kofi needs to be put to pasture. Though his replacement might be worse, I'm willing to risk the chances.

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