Thursday, March 17, 2005

Kofi Annan

Fire of Liberty
AP / Nasser Nasser

According to this story in The New York Sun, Kofi Annan has demonstrated once again why he's needs to go. While en route to a dedication of a new Holocaust museum in Israel, Annan decided to stop by the Palestinian Authority's compound and lay a wreath for Yassir Arafat's grave. It's really a slap in the face of Israel and the people who died in the Holocaust that the UN Secretary General would dedicate anything to Arafat. I guess an organization that allowed the thug Arafat to speak before the General Assembly with a gun by his side and won't classify Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists is bound to continue its "good works." Anyway this visit stirred up a dust-storm in New York. Just look here:
To Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat who represents parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn, Mr. Annan's tribute to Arafat was symptomatic of the anti-Semitism ailing his organization. "A lot of what is wrong with the U.N. is nicely summed up by the fact that Kofi Annan, who goes to Israel to participate in the dedication of a memorial museum to Jewish victims of the Holocaust, lays a wreath at the grave of someone whose career was murdering Jewish civilians," Mr. Nadler said.
When will the UN ever learn. Hopefully Bolton can do something.

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