Friday, April 01, 2005

Japan on UN Security Council?

Fire of Liberty

According to this article in The Financial Times and this article in The International Herald Tribune, Japan is facing opposition from South Korea and China in its bid for a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. While I can understand the anger of South Korea and China at Japan for its past atrocities during the period prior to and during WWII, I don't understand why they can't put this dark history behind them. If the US can cement a relationship with Japan after Pearl Harbor and the four year Pacific Campaign as well as the use of two atomic bombs to end the war, why can't the Koreans and Chinese do the same.

The memory of these atrocities will live on in history amongst the people of South Korea and China but I think that they should also take note of Japan's forty year atonement of such actions. To begin with, Japan has been one of the most generous nations in the World when it comes to foreign aid, humanitarian relief as well international development in South Korea and China. Another way that the Japanese have atoned for their past atrocities is by openly working with these nations in trade, diplomacy and various other activities that involve peaceful negotiations and interactions that has aided in South Korean and Chinese economic growth. Another example of Japan's atonement is its sixty year devotion to democracy and peace in the Far-East. It's amazing that the Chinese are opposing Japan becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council based on atrocities when the PRC is on its hegemonic quest throughout Asia. Just look at the 12.6% increase in China's defense budget, the passage of the anti-secession law against Taiwan, sending submarines to infiltrate Japan's territorial waters, not to mention its questionable human rights record and tell me who's the problem. As for South Korea, I just think the voice of opposition is emanating from the Left-Wing government of roe Moo-hyun. When a government is more friendly to the Stalinist North Korea rather than a peaceful nation like Japan you know something is amiss.

I have to say that the UN Security Council has to change to meet the new dynamic of the World. While the UN Security Council included all the victors of WWII, it has seen a lot of changes. To begin with, your one representative for Asia at the council is a Communist China (which was under a different leadership and more US friendly government.) I just racks my brain that Japan, a nation that is the most enduring example of peace and democracy in the Far East, has been denied a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. You just can't have a hegemonic state like China representing all of Asia and having a veto power over the security of the World. Remember, China has sided with some of the biggest tyrannical states like Sudan and Zimbabwe when the UN Security Council calls for sanctions because they prefer trade and energy deals rather than respecting human rights. Japan also needs a seat at the table due to its overwhelming commitment to peace and democracy not to mention the fact that they are also one of the biggest financial contributors to the UN. Japan also needs a spot on the Security Council to provide a check against the China's aggressive moves in the region.

Along with China, I also support the bids of India and Brazil to the Security Council to provide more balance to the Council. Though these states might vote against us in the Security Council, it still beats the ninnies of France and China. While China and South Korea might hem an haw about Japan entering the UN Security Council, the Japanese deserves to be on the Council. This would be a good coat of silver polish on the tarnished building in Turtle Bay.

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