Monday, April 11, 2005

"No" tide rising in Europe towards EU Constitution

Fire of Liberty

Well, it seems that some 70% of the UK's finance directors are against the adoption of the EU constitution. One can assume that the Tories and the "No" camp are generally upbeat about this recent vote while Tony Blair and his Labour compatriots have to deal with this depressing news along with a resurgent Tory party. Just take a look at the results of a poll conducted by The Financial Times:
The poll last week shows that 30 per cent of respondents “strongly oppose” Britain adopting the new treaty. A further 38 per cent say they are “generally opposed” to Britain adopting the European constitution “but could be persuaded in favour of it if I thought it would be good for Britain”.

Only 26 per cent say they are generally in favour of the new constitution. But this latter group “could be persuaded against it if they thought it would be bad for Britain”. A minuscule 4 per cent say they “strongly support Britain adopting the new European constitution”.
With the French, The Dutch, Danish and British public in opposition to the whole EU constitution, this most recent poll seems to have poured some cold water on the EU construct. It's about time that the people of Europe stand up for their nation's sovereignty in their respective referendums this summer.

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