Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Senator Santorum on Iran

Fire of Liberty

Senator Rick Santorum has finally stood up to the appeasement talks which are that's emanating from the White House and the State Department about Iran's nuke program. According to this article in The New York Sun, Senator Santorum and Rep. Tom Delay have registered their complaints of President Bush going wobbly on Iran by offering gifts instead of more muscle. As I noted earlier, the mere thought of offering carrots to Iran is pure idiocy, such offers would embolden the Mullahs and suck the wind out of the underground freedom movement in Iran. Here's a peek on Sen. Santorum's view:
In an interview yesterday with The New York Sun, Senator Santorum, a Republican of Pennsylvania who is his party's third-ranking senator, said he did not like the idea of the negotiations. "I don't think we should negotiate with folks who lie and are less trustworthy than anyone in the region," the chairman of the Republican conference in the Senate said. "It undermines our consistency in how we approach evil."
Senator Santorum is going to go places with his overwhelming support of the democratic movements in Syria, Iran and countless other nations. Thank God for his undying dedication to the Fire of Liberty.

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