Monday, May 23, 2005

GOP Moderates fall Prey to DNC once again

Fire of Liberty

Once again, the milk-toast Republican moderates like John McCain have bowed down once again before Ole Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy on the judicial filibuster issue. Based on a recent news-conference, a group of seven Republican and 7 Democrats came together a made a compromise that allows cloture on Prisciilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown, William Pryor but will not allow this for the other seven. This compromise would also keep the filibuster off the table unless under "extreme circumstances," which basically means that when the President appoints a new Chief Justice and Associate Justice if Rehnquist retires or dies it's go time on the filibuster. As all right-minded people know, the filibuster happy Democrats will deem everyone after these three as "too extreme" and start the whole game over again. Once again, the Republican majority is being too trustworthy with their fellow Democratic Senators across the way. I guess having when the Republicans gain a majority in the Senate they voluntary agreed to be neutered of all their powers.

Expert this to have reverberations throughout the Republican's conservative base. If you noticed, Chuck Hagel stayed well clear of this moderate confab because he knows how popular and pressing the issue of stopping the Democrat's obfuscation of President Bush's judicial nominees. I guess Warner and Chafee forgot they're running in 06 and might need the support of the President to get re-elected. There are a lot more Republican fish swimming in the sea in Virginia and Rhode Island. We'll see what happens tomorrow to see if Dems are serious. I'm thinking that the GOP will regret ever letting John "The Maverick" McCain from making such a horrible compromise. McCain will get his apropos on Good Morning America, The Today Show and The Early Show, the Sunday network shows, NPR as well as the newspapers in America. He might even write a book called "How I Saved the Senate and Our Republic" with a forward by Senator Robert Byrd. (Don't put it past him, you never know what this media hog will do.) One thing I do know is that it will be a cold day in hell before RINO(Republican in Name Only) McCain is nominated as the GOP's pick in 08.

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