Friday, May 20, 2005


Fire of Liberty

If you've been watching, reading or listening to the news, you should be aware of the uprising in Uzbekistan that has resulted in a massive crackdown by Islam Karimov and some 700 deaths. Though people like Lee Harris over at Tech Central Station have written that the people who initiated this revolt are purely anti-American and are threatening an allied nation, Stephen Schwartz argues in The Weekly Standard that these revolters are actually fighting for their freedom from the 20 year plus rule Islam Karimov. While I might be standing on a weak branch, I believe that Schwartz has a better understanding of the situation not to mention that he's been on the ground in Andjian, Uzbekistan and got a feel of what's going down. Even though I side with Schwartz on this one, I still respect the merits and thought provoking aspect of Harris' article. So read both if you can.

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