Saturday, May 14, 2005

Poll: Dutch are against EU Constitution

Fire of Liberty

It looks like the Euro-skeptic camp is gaining ground in the Netherlands after reading this piece in the Saturday edition of The Times. Just see for yourself:
Successive polls have shown that the "no" vote is in the lead, but a survey of 16,000 people for Dutch television released yesterday suggested that the gap has widened sharply, with opponents of the constitution outnumbering supporters by almost three to one. It showed that the "no" vote rose from 53 per cent in April to 60 per cent, while the "yes" vote fell from 24 per cent to 21 per cent. The Netherlands was a founding member of the EU.
So even if the French let me and various other Euro-skeptics down on May 29, at least there's hope with the Dutch. I guess they value their national sovereignty more than others. Hopefully the French people will keep their senses and shoot down the EU Constitution. It's amazing how a system that was initially created as a common market has morphed into a supranational behemoth that threatens to wipe away the sovereignty from the states that have made Europe with this atrocious constitution. Also check out this piece in The Daily Telegraph (registration required) on the Dutch vote.

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