Monday, May 30, 2005

A Rock in the EU River

Fire of Liberty

Aside from the French and the Dutch opposing the EU treaty, there's also a major political leader in the Czech Republic who is opposed to the Constitution and it's President Vaclav Klaus. According to this piece from the German news-service Deutsche Welle, this opposition to the EU Constitution is due to the fact that it would rob the people of the Czech Republic of its national sovereignty in return for a supranational body that calls the shots. Deutsche Welle notes that Klaus is more inclined to a Europe modeled around the Economic Community in the 1960's and 1970's which placed a greater emphasis on Free Trade and economic liberalism. Joining the ranks of Margaret Thatcher, Klaus argues against the political union of Europe but argues for the continued economic and strategic confederation of individual European states. I think Klaus laid this argument out very nicely when he noted to DW:
"I predict a glowing future if the constitution does not get ratified," Klaus said. "I think that such documents are the last thing that the EU and its people need in order to lead happy and successful lives."
While the other EU political elites are overwhelmingly promoting the Constitution, it's wonderful to find a refreshingly dissident voice like Klaus who says what he says. If you didn't have voices like this, the EU would have rubber-stamped the Constitution without consulting the people. So, thanks to Klaus for being a rock in the EU river.

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