Friday, May 27, 2005

Snooty EU Elites

Fire of Liberty

Tim Worstall has a good demonstration over at Tech Central Station on why the European Union and its unelected bureaucrats will never achieve their desired goal of United States of Europe. It seems that the people running the show in Brussels are full of hot air and pay little regard for the people of Europe. Even when the citizens of the various European nations have expressed their love of their nation's sovereignty through their utter contempt for the supranational EU, you have the likes of Margot Wallstrom, Vice President and Commissioner of the European Union, stating absurd claims like:
We also came to this terrible point in our history through nationalistic pride and greed, and through international rivalry for wealth and power. It was precisely to put an end to such rivalry that the European Union was born - the first ever supranational organisation in which sovereign nations voluntarily share their sovereignty.
Yet there are those today who want to scrap the supranational idea. They want the European Union to go back to the old purely inter-governmental way of doing things.

I say those people should come to Terezin and see where that old road leads.
If that wasn't enough of a scandal and revelation of Wallstrom's utter disregard for the citizens of Europe who have a great love of their nationality, she has begun a campaign of promoting disinformation amongst the polity just to sell a Constitution and political entity that gives the elites dominion over the people. Though try as she may, Wallstrom still has failed to convince an overwhelming majority of French and Dutch voters into the "Yes" column in the upcoming EU Constitution referendum. I'd say that Tim Worstall summed it up best when he noted in his piece the following:
A slightly disheartening experience then, ploughing through the considered opinions of one of those who rule over us. Outrageous allegations, sweeping claims and not many facts to back them up. How could, I ask myself, anyone vote for such a politician? Surely no one could win an election on such vapidity? Ah, but then no one did vote for TEBAF Margot, she was appointed. As were all of the other Commissioners, those petty gauleiters of the new order. None of them stood for election, none faced the voters and it is unlikely that they would in fact be in power if they had had to do so.

Look, we may be Europeans, but please, we're not that damn stupid.
Well done Mr. Worstall. It's about time someone put these EU elites in their place. I can assure you that there is a considerable amount of people in France, Holland, Britain and various other European nations have a similar opinion of the EU elites. We'll see their true feelings on May 29 and June 1.

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