Saturday, August 06, 2005

Creating a More Healthy Academia

Fire of Liberty

Lee Harris has a great piece over at Tech Central Station that deals with the whole argument that the media propagated when they noted President Bush's call that schools should present their students with the Intelligent Design as well as Evolution to its students. As Harris notes, President Bush has presented a good argument in perusing the debate further rather than push a specific doctrine like the ones that science teachers currently present. If we allow students another argument we actually prepare the future scientists, professors, lawyers and politicians for the challenges and quandaries that they will be confronted with in their work or every day life. In fact, some of the greatest minds of the above fields have garnered such great success because they are well versed in their arguments as well as the arguments that their opponent or rivals present.

President Bush and Lee Harris are well aware that the academic and learning environment they were exposed to in their youth and college days was far more superior to the less thorough pc paup that is taught in the schools of this generation. If we are going to compete with the nations like China and India then we have to continue to improve our educational standards to the point where the youth will be challenged to use their mind and critical thinking skills. So the press needs to hold off on their condemnation of President Bush and realize that he's arguing for an improved learning environment and not a theocracy like certain folks in the MSM seem to purport. So carry on Mr. President.

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