Monday, August 22, 2005

Things are Changin' for the Best in Iraq

Fire of Liberty

James S Robbins has a good piece over at National Review Online on how the Sunni Iraqis are joining with their brethren in Iraq and taking on the foreign terrorists who offer nothing but death and despair to the Iraqi people. When you have Grand Ayatollah Sistani issuing a fatwa to call all people in Iraq as an "Iraqi" rather than classifying people by their religious or ethnic distinction of "Sunni," "Shia," or "Kurd," instead of promoting a sectarian/ethnic civil war like Zarqawi seems to want as well as Sunni clerics issuing fatwas encouraging people to register to vote on a constitution that al Qaeda has issued a death warrant on anyone thinking about or actually voting on the document, you know that the Iraqi people are ready to take back their streets. So while naysayers like the Senators Chuck Hagel(RINO-Neb.) and Russ Feingold (Dem-MN) go on national TV saying everything including our mission in Iraq going to hell and calling for an immediate pullout, the Iraq people are standing up to the foreign terrorists who have found their way to their streets thus endangering their families. I guess these Senators want to pull the flying carpet out from under our troops and the Iraqi people much like Congress did to our troops and the people of South Vietnam in the 70's. We saw what happened when we left Vietnam, let's not make the same mistake. I think we owe the 1,864 soldiers who have died trying to initiate a change in a region that has seen enough death at the hands of dictators and terrorists. If this means one less nation in the region being a chief terror center then the effort is definitely worth it.

Think of each Arab country in the Middle East as a ravaging fire and the US military as a big grouping of firefighters. As they put out more fires, they ensure a far safer environment for the people of these countries, neighboring, as well as the world in general. So I would say that the Iraqi people are sending a clear signal to these Senators and the rest of the withdrawal crowd - to use the words of David Soul (Starsky & Hutch) "Don't give up on us baby." I might sound corny but it's the truth.

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