Monday, August 15, 2005

Good News From Iraq

Fire of Liberty

While the media would have the American public to think all hell has broken loose throughout the Iraqi countryside with its countless numbers of negative stories they're are actually good bits of news coming out of Iraq which show a considerable amount of good and progress acts occurring daily in Iraq. Luckily, we have diligent journalists like Deroy Murdock who has written a wonderful piece over at National Review Online in which he combed through all the various news-sites, think tanks, newspapers and other sources to provide us with a more balanced look at what is going on in Iraq. Sometimes it's wonderful to find a bridge through the "if it bleeds, it leads," muck that the MSM continues to put on its front pages and news-casts everyday. So read Murdock's piece to see that our efforts in Iraq and the sacrifices of our troops are not for aught.

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