Monday, August 08, 2005

Trying Times in South Korea

Fire of Liberty

It seems that the a large percentage of the kids in South Korea are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the subject of History. When you have countless young people in the streets condemning General MacArthur (Who launched the daring landing at Inchon and reversed the scourge of Communism in South Korea) rather than calling for the ouster of Kim Jong Il and the end of North Korea's labor camp nation, you realize that all of the pc paup they've been hearing in the schools are very detrimental to the true story of South Korean. What's even worse is that the current government of South Korea is compounding problems with its ongoing "sunshine policy," with North Korea that fails to offer any condemnation of Kim Jong Il but offers open arms towards the "Dear Leader." I guess the members of the South Korean government as well as a large subset of the citizenry forgot George Santayana's wise adage "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Let's hope they understand where the coddling of terrorist can lead. Can anyone say WW II.

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